REIS, Frei Gaspar dos.- RELAÇAM - DO SOLENNE - RECEBIMENTO DAS - Santas Reliquias, que forão leuadas

REIS, Frei Gaspar dos.- RELAÇAM | DO SOLENNE | RECEBIMENTO DAS | Santas Reliquias, que forão leuadas | da See de Coimbra, ao Real | Mosteyro de Santa Cruz. | HE CARTA CORIOSA, QVE SE | Escreveo da Vniversidade a hum amigo. | PER GASPAR DOS REIS DE LEYRIA, | Bacharel Canonista.- Em Coimbra: Em Casa de Antonio de Mariz, Com licença da Sãta Inquisição, & Ordinario. Anno, 1596.- [7], 182 (i. e. 184), [3] f.; 13 cm.- E., The work describes the important receipt, in October 1595, of a set of 21 reliquaries, coming from Flanders, equating the Monastery of Santa Cruz de Coimbra, to the same level as the Church of São Roque, of the Society of Jesus, in Lisbon, which had received a notable treasure of 240 relics in January 1588. The copy, a little cropped but clean, belongs to a variant with the word RECEBIMENTO (in the title) corrected and has the peculiarity, not described in the consulted bibliographies, of including an extra page in section D: nine pages, two of which have 26 foliation. Good binding, full red morocco, signed Chambolle-Duru, (1861-1915), with triple squared fillet on the covers, gilt panels on the spine, roll in the squares and the gilt edges. Anselmo, 911. National Library (16th Century), 785. Biblioteca de D. Manuel II, 464.
